Fall 2020

Art & Design Senior Show

The Art & Design Senior Show is a Mason Exhibition that occurs twice every year (once every semester) to highlight the works of the graduating class.

Amid the pandemic, I was unsure as to whether they would include this show when it was my time to graduate. However, when April rolled around, my class as most of the graduating Mason artist, began polishing our portfolios for the event.

As a task, our teacher asked us to design a poster for the show. This, would eventually become a contest as we later found out that the winning design would be utilize to market the show.

I decide to make my design a mixture of elegance, fine arts, and design to encompass all that would be displayed in the event. Included patterns to showcase the designers (my field of course), splatters of pain to symbolize the rest of the artist

Believe it or not...


I began working on preparing my design for multiple marketing and packaging uses.

My design served as the website banner for the event as well as water bottles, and t-shirts.

Overall, this was one of my most proudest accomplishments.

Additionally to having the opportunity of assisting in designing the event, I was also able to show some of the works I had been working on throughout the semester. My favorite project, Listen, Lisa was also finally in display for all to see


My designs and illustrations won me a good spot at the show.

Being able to combine my illustrating ability with my design background allowed me to think outside the box. I managed to create a design on a tight deadline that was able to represent the dozens of graduating artist and designers that would participate.

The biggest honor was not winning the contest, but giving myself that encouragement that I needed to continue my path after college. Truly great event.

Check out the full exhibition below